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so pull them up high.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 ♥

I was thinking if ur wan to put this design on the back of class tee.. i neo the shape is ____. but ur can suggest some shapes.. the shape can be changed. n colour as well. (:

another day without you.
@ 12:50 AM

Monday, April 26, 2010 ♥

Candy Hearts
Hehe, this is coooooool! (:
Hmmm, the chalet maybe can go aloha loyang? (:
But if you guys find it v expensive,
cheapest, coasta sans.
But a bit small eh,
i think max can only sleep 6 or 7.
Dont think many of you will stay overnight too.
For last year chalet only like..
errr.. 5 girls + 1 boy stayed overnight. -.-
so comments of FB yeahh?

another day without you.
@ 4:11 AM

Thnx admins for posting!! ^^
wow. how much time did u spend on dis? Thnx ah. Wow.

Kay i suddenly had inspiration. do u all like mandarin collars?
Fyi (for those hu dunno wth is dat) its like, collar- not like polo de, u might call it a bit high neck instead lah- then zip de. Saw some seniors wearing and thought like, dat's nice.

ok 2nd point.

ppl GIVE SUGGESTIONS ON THE CHALET. anything is good. like venue, waddya gonna do, food stuff bla bla. we'll take it into consideration.

COMMENT ON FB PAGE OR IN CBOX!! >< fb page will be better lah... ==

kay dat's all. :D

jaa naa.

Lays 6.25 pm

another day without you.
@ 3:24 AM

YO PEOPLE! ( tiz izz lame )

I was too bored. And went discovering on the internet:

~huiling posted at random level of 100%

*colours abit... x.x due to some technical problem of this stupid blog (:

another day without you.
@ 2:34 AM

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 ♥


Yay ppl are coming back!! We really appreciate dat. Happy happy. :D
erm bit of zhuang kuang here cos as our timetables kept clashing with each other. The class tee comm hasn't been back to queenstown since the last time we went there and it was CLOSED. UGH. wasted effort. T^T
Fyi, class tee comm consists of

Kai Hsin
Wan Qi
Hui Min

oh and we're also in chalet comm :D

i bet u didn't noe how the heck u ppl got in there. neither do i. haha just kid.

ahem. so anyways, we'll try to get it done. SOON. hopefully

O tanoshimi ni ^^ look forward to it.

Thnx authors for posting. Seriously glad u all especially the guys are coming back. La la la.

I like writing in color :D

everyone be happy!

Lays. 5.54 pm

oh and can we pay more for dis time's chalet? Lynn paid $500 by herself for last year's noe. I feel guilty. We should make it up to her.

Lynn, smile. :)

another day without you.
@ 2:55 AM

Everyone's sick! And guess wad? They're down with BIEBER FEVER.
Not me. I'm perfectly healthy.
Seriously i dun get it. Why do u ppl even like - *cut off*

Lays 5.45pm :D

another day without you.
@ 2:41 AM

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 ♥

hey guys! do you all want a class gathering anots?
hopefully there can be one in JUNE.
but must try to contribute alrights? our dear LYNN is getting very stressed out alreadys.
yup we are all BUSY people but im sure we can work something out. well, hopefully.
anddds, some people dont even know this blog exists! ><
WHEEEE get excited bout our CLASSTEES!♥
to the lost sheep out there,
yes, our awesome peeps have come up with a CLASSTEEDESIGN and
please indicate your preferred comn kays!
okay i know this should exam period so JIAYOUS kayy! ALLTHEBEST!♥

P.S. Can i be in photog? UNGLAMS ARE LOVED. ♥


another day without you.
@ 7:20 AM

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 ♥

there's mayb gonna be a CLASS GATHERING(WHEE!!!><) as on Sat, 17 April 2010, RGS has a FUN FAIR! :) there will be FOOD&DRINKS (think so) & i think it may be quite fun. can ppl plz TAG & say how they tink 'bout dis idea? we haven't had a class gathering 4 SO LONG... & dis may be quite fun :) make up ur minds & tell us (actually Haku), ok? i'm nt so sure 'bout all de details though, hav 2 ask Haku, sry. plz come! :)

Jiayi (posting 4 de 1st time?><)

another day without you.
@ 8:03 AM

Saturday, April 10, 2010 ♥

Hey ppl seriously why am i the only one posting? ahaha.

todae we went to check out the cheaper class tee shop in queensway shopping centre. Wl went so far just to get a lower price. then when we go there wth it wasnt open. UGGHH...

Going there to check it out again next-next monday. dunno the date lah. then check out the price liao post again.

Jerlynn had another idea. How bout we do hoodies lah? then just 1 print on the back dat says "i'm from 6 sincere 09". But dun wan then nvm lor.

ppl stop critisizing wad we do leh. we try so hard. and u only noe how to critisize. dun wan just say lah. save us all the trouble and effort. how bout we just drop the whole chalet idea and let 6 sin fall apart? i doubt u ppl even bother to come back to dis blog liao. let's just close it down.

asked ernest to ask u guys to come see ler. u all dun wan nvm lor. ernest thnx.

u come at least tag lah. we made an effort to save the cbox. but still only girls tagging. ya lah ya lah the fb group wan qi made very fun. i agree. wan im not being sarcastic. but is just sparing a few seconds of ur time to read dis blog too much to ask? u all are fast readers dun think i dunno. also very fast at typing. u dun give comments at least just type 3 letters TAG is dat a lot? i noe the earth days has shortened over the years by 6. smth seconds. and with the latest massive earthquake it just shortened by at least another 2 seconds. ppl are having shorter lives. and u dun even try to make the best out of it. i haf no idea wad i just said. nvm. use less plastic hor.

or maybe, if u dun tag. CONTACT our admins. u all have hps or at least a TELEPHONE at home right?

sry if my tone is harsh. but ppl are breaking down. and u ppl dun gif a damn shit abt dis.

thnx to everyone hu kept dis blog alive by tagging in the cbox and texting the admins. i really appreciate dat. Thnx.

i'll post in a lighter tone next time. sry. dun cry. haha.

Lay 11.34 pm

another day without you.
@ 8:34 AM

Sunday, April 4, 2010 ♥

Ppl i'm baack. Okay in response to yi han's comment, really ah? (and btw why are u all so infatuated with pink?) cos my class shirt is smth like dat.

Front. It's polo. HHOOTT... T^T

Back. The names in blue are the guys. we only haf 9. even worse than 6 sin sia

Close up.

Okay so u all really wan like dat ah? Reply in the cbox. and gif us suggestions leh. yi han's a good eg. Thnx ernest for asking the guys to see the blog. Janaa.

Lay April 4th 3.22 pm

Happy Easter's ppl! XP

another day without you.
@ 12:05 AM

Saturday, April 3, 2010 ♥

Peeps its me again.
ok so me, shuli, kai hsin, wan qi, hui min and jerlynn sat down and discussed the class shirt for a whole day (almost) and dis is wad we came up with
Wth dat took forever to upload. Nvm. Thnx hui min for scanning.

kay its not gonna be polo. we're just using the template.

1. normal round neck t shirt. dryfit, cos its cheaper than cotton. i dun approve. but lets just go with the majority.

2. u see the back part of the shirt? the names below and the words are gonna come closer together and more center. too lazy to erase the whole thing and redo lah.

3. Jerlynn say black print on white or white on black is cheaper. Sian lah. I saw dis at np the other day

so maybe it can be blue (smth like dat) for the top half and white for the bottom half with siver grey words. So nice. No one approves though T^T except for shuli. she says dark blue and sky blue.
digress for a while. we helped kai hsin celebrate bdae. 22 days early. haha.
we the hardworking ppl! the one being squashed and hidden at the corner is shuli.
Back to the class tee.
Any opinions leave in cbox or e mail or sms etc anyone i mentioned in dis post

oh ya
4. We tried asking the CP class tee shop. $18 to $20. kinda ex hor? good news. we'll try looking for a cheaper one. post again when we do.

End of post. Iijo.

Lay 3 april 10 (or is it 4 now?) 12.22 am

another day without you.
@ 9:22 AM

THE awesome ROCKERS.
Some groundrules to be set ! ;
One : Leave a tag , With YOUR sweet name (:
Two : Link , If possible
Three : Dont spam , cos we already make enough noise !

Enjoy your stay eh ! (:
2. Faris
3. Kai Mun
4. Zhao Feng
5. Onn Mun
6. Wan Qi
7. Eileen
8. Ernest
9. Kai Li
10. Jerlynn
11. Jeremiah
12. Jessica
13. Charlotte
14. Lay Hian
15. Hui Min
16. Jayne
17. Kagen
18. Jia Qi
19. Joel
20. Nadhira
21. Junko
22. Jie Hui
23. Matthias
24. Yong Han
25. Anushri
26. Kai Hsin
27. Zi Hui
28. Shridhar
29. Huiling
30. Sujandren
31. Zeyu
32. Yanlin
33. Charis
34. Cui Ting
35. Jia Yi
36. Yuet Xin
37. Shuli
38. Yi Han

take a bow
2010 elyana♥